What's In My Gym Bag?

Everything I take with me to the gym for my own lifts, why I have it, and where to get it.

Stevie Johnson

5/25/20236 min read

Because I live in a small town, we don't have access to much here. There is a small fitness facility that I go to and it works okay. The closest powerlifting gyms near me are about 3 hours south and 2 hours north, so not really good for commuting esp when I have a family to take care of. So I purchased a lot of equipment to help me and I take it with me every day to the gym. We make do!

I don't receive anything from sharing this stuff, I just like it and feel like it serves all the purposes I need. In no particular order, here we go!

First of all, the actual bag itself. After I acquired much of my equipment, I need something more than just a simple duffel bag. I saw several of my bodybuilder friends with a tactical-style bag and I loved it so much, I started looking for one for myself. The brand my friends use is about $90-$150. I didn't want to pay that much so I looked for a knock off. I found this bag on Amazon and paid $40 for it and it's seriously amazing.

Of course I read the reviews and they were all stellar so I got it (most of the reviews were about bug out bags or hunting but I wanted to try it out anyway. )

I'll include the links for everything below!

Next is my tripod. I think recording your lifts is super important for feedback. Recording your lifts can show you what you need to fix. I also send my lifts to my coach and I encourage my clients to do the same.

Just be aware of not taking up a ton of space in the gym. Also, don't get mad when people walk in front of it while you're recording. It's an occupational hazard, and just make sure you're out of the way. Use common sense people.

Next is my weightlifting belt. I originally had a Velcro one that I got off of Amazon for like $10 but I found out that you can't compete with a Velcro belt so I bought this prong belt. I don't think you NEED a belt but they are definitely beneficial if you know how to brace correctly.

This is one of the cheapest ones I could find that would get to me in time for my first competition so I went with it. I actually really like it and encouraged my clients to get the same one. I also suggest this one to students of mine that are looking for a belt because it's one of the most affordable.

After my second powerlifting meet, I wanted to get a custom-made lever belt from Pioneer. I think lever belts are so cool and have really wanted one for a long time! I made a deal with my husband that if I hit my goal deadlift at my meet, I could order my custom belt.

My belt is super sparkly white with one of my favorite scriptures on the outside. The scripture is God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect. I felt that was very fitting for a lifting belt and I get compliments and questions on it all the time.

The inside is Aqua colored and it has my name on the inside. It has a simple black prong on the outside to clasp it. It's probably my favorite item in my bag.

Next up are my micro weights. These are probably my second favorite item! I use these all the time to work on percentages with my barbell lifts. The yellow Rogue 1-pound weights are super nice to help with the 5-pound jumps in the dumbbells. These were definitely a more expensive purchase but they've lasted a long time with zero wear and tear that I can find. Definitely worth the price in my opinion.

I have 2 pairs of the yellow one-pound weights of the Rogue ones.

The next piece up is my barbell pad!! Absolutely cannot do barbell hip thrusts without this!! This is actually something that I offer up to other gym-goers all the time. I cringe when I see people hip-thrust without a bar pad. It just hurts my body, so I offer it up!

This is probably my coolest piece of equipment in my bag! These are barbell clips called Snap Clips. They are like a 90s slap on bracelet, but you slap it on the barbell and it holds the weights on there.

Check out all the details here: Snap Clips

I also have these barbell clips that are easy on, easy off

Next item is these superbands. I use these from pull-ups to stretching to using them for specific powerlifting exercises such as chaos squats or chaos bench press. They're very tough, long-lasting, and I have the whole pack.

Next item is Ward Smelling Salts: Ammonia inhalant that helps clear your mind for a heavy lift.

I would not recommend these to people who suffer from asthma or other breathing problems. It's also very important that you don't just stuff your nose in the can.

This is another super cool item in my bag. This is liquid chalk. I've been using chalk to help with my grip, especially with deadlifts for a while but I was tired of having the bag break and the chalk getting all over my bag and other equipment.

I'd heard of liquid chalk and wanted to try it. I saw this company Heart & Soul Strong at Fitcon and immediately fell in love with what they are about so I wanted to support them. When I saw them post about this, I immediately bought some and have even gifted it to others.

A little bit goes a long way and it's antibacterial which is AWESOME.

These ankle attachments are helpful when trying to work on glute stuff with the cable machine. The attachments at the gym are so worn out that I bought my own pair and can actually get work done without worrying about the attachment falling off my ankle.

Last major item in my gym bag is this cable rope attachment. Again, the one at the gym was very worn out and kind of gross so I bought my own.

That's pretty much everything! My whole bag is roughly 25 pounds heavy. Other little things include hair ties and sometimes pre-workout if I know I'll be working out later and want the powder. One more thing that I forgot to share is my wrist wraps. I use them to support my wrist during squats and bench press, but it looks like the company that I got them from (Strong Strong Supply) doesn't have them anymore.

So that's it!

Thanks for reading!